
Národopisná revue 5/2019

Národopisná revue 5/2019


Journal of Ethnology - Zvláštní anglické číslo Národopisné revue



The Worker for the Peasant, the Peasant for the Worker: the Transformation of Harvest Festival from a Traditional Folk Feast into a Tool of the Politics of Normalization in Czechoslovakia (Daniel Drápala)
Dance Parties and the Symbolic Construction of Communities in the Era of Late Socialism in Czechoslovakia (Oto Polouček)
“Do Not Allow History and Memory to Be Forgotten!” Re-emigrants from Yugoslavia as a Memory Community of an Alternative Collective Memory (Michal Pavlásek)
Tailor’s Guilds and Their Influence on the Formation of Women’s Rural Dress in Central Europe in Early Modern Times (Martin Šimša)
Czech Prosaic Folkloristics after 2000: Between Continuity and Revitalization (Petr Janeček)

The List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture in the Czech Republic (Jarmila Teturová)
On Creating Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists in Slovakia: the State of the Art in 2019 (Ľubica Voľanská)
Blueprinting’s Path to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Martin Sítek)

S. Brouček et al.: Česká republika a diaspora: Co bylo a co bude? [The Czech Republic and Diaspora: What Was and What Will Be?] (Naďa Valášková)
J. Nosková (ed.): „Proč to vyprávím?” První polovina 20. století v písemných vzpomínkách německých obyvatel Brna / „Warum erzähle ich das?” Die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts in schriftlichen Erinnerungen deutscher Bewohner Brünns [“Why Am I Narrating That?” The First Half of the 20th Century in Written Recollections of the Ethnic German Inhabitants of Brno] (Tomáš Dvořák)
B. Půtová (ed.): Identity, Tradition, and Revitalization of American Indian Cultures (Jana Kopelent Rehak)
Z. Panczová: Konšpiračné teórie: témy, historické kontexty a argumentačné stratégie [Conspiracy Theories: Themes, Historical Contexts, and Argumentation Strategies] (Eva Šipöczová)
M. Botiková – M. Válka et al.: Ethnology for the 21st Century: Bases and Prospects (Eva Chovancová)
P. Janeček: Mýtus o pérákovi. Městská legenda mezi folklorem a populární kulturou [The Myth of the Spring Man: An Urban Legend between Folklore and Popular Culture] (Martina Pavlicová)
