PhDr. Martin Šimša, Ph.D.
Phone: +420 518 306 610, Cell phone +420 728 567 867
Email: martin.simsa(at sign)
Deputy Director:
PhDr. Martin Novotný, Ph.D. – administration and extension of the Open-Air Museum of Rural Architecture in South-East Moravia, research, speciality: vernacular architecture
Phone: +420 518 306 613;Cell phone +420 725 920 852
Email: martin.novotny(at sign)
Centre for Folk Traditions
Professional activities in folk culture, mainly in the field of intangible cultural heritage. Consultancy services for all types of folklore activities in the Czech Republic; provision of expert assessment and documentation of folklore activities; promotional activities. Administrative work for the editorial staff of Journal of Ethnology. Representation of the National Institute of Folk Culture in international organizations; secretarial services for the CIOFF Czech National Section. All activities pertaining to the preparation of nominations for and the administration of the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic and the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, mainly with the implementation of tasks resulting from the action plans of the phenomena inscribed on the Lists. Research on intangible cultural heritage and its procession for documentary, publication and exhibition purposes. Organization of the International Folklore Festival and other cultural and educational programmes.
Mgr. Jarmila Teturová – dance and music expressions, cooperation with authorized regional institutions
Phone: +420 518 306 652, Cell phone +420 725 585 301
Email: jarmila.teturova(at sign)nulk/.cz
Mgr. Markéta Lukešová – folklorism, secretariat of the CIOFF Czech National Section
Phone: +420 518 306 652
Email: marketa.lukesova(at sign)
Mgr. Petr Horehleď – secretary for International Folklore Festival and cultural and educational programmes; editorial board of Journal of Ethnology
Phone: +420 518 306 631, Cell phone +420 728 858 033
Email: petr.horehled(at sign)
Mgr. Jan Blažek – lists of intangible elements
Phone: +420 518 306 636
Email: jan.blazek(at sign)
Mgr. Magdalena Maňáková – presentation of folklore at schools
Phone: +420 518 306 636
Email: magdalena.manakova(at sign)
Ing. Hana Jechová, MBA – promotion
Phone: +420 518 306 639
Email: hana.jechova(at sign)
Bc. Vítězslav Jaroš – IT, electronic library
Phone: +420 518 306 632
Email: vitezslav.jaros(at sign)
Marie Sýkorová – documentalist
Phone: +420 518 306 639
Email: anna.gaidosova(at sign)
Centre for Tangible Cultural Heritage
Professional activities in folk culture, mainly in the field of tangible cultural heritage. Expert care for collections including documentation, storage, care, preservation and revision. Administrative work pertaining to awarding the title “Bearer of Folk Craft Tradition”. Research and documentation of ethnographic nature, mainly in the field of tangible cultural heritage. Presentation in the form of short-term and long-term exhibitions, and publication activity. Services for visitors, interactive tours and educational programmes.
Mgr. Petra Hrbáčová – curator of collections, administrative work for the title “Bearer of Folk Craft Tradition”
Phone: +420 518 306 650, Cell phone ….
Email: petra.hrbacova(at sign)
Mgr. Lucie Svobodová – research and development employee
Phone: +420 518 306 651
Email: lucie.svobodova(at sign)
Eva Rýpalová – guides´ leader, services for visitors
Phone: +420 518 332 173, out of the season: + 420 518 306 653
Email: eva.rypalova(at sign)
Anna Vajčnerová – guide, documentalist
Phone: +420 518 306 616
Email: anna.vajcnerova(at sign)
Ing. Martina Zezulová – documentalist
Romana Krejčová – documentalist
Bc. Pavel Žák – conservator
Vít Vavřiník, DiS. – conservator
Marie Bakalíková – conservator
Hana Šimoníková – cleaning lady
Scientific Information Centre
Expert treatment, storage and use of archives and archive collections, specialized library, photo archives, audio and video collections, including their ordinary records, documentation and revision. Services for researchers. Administration of information and communication technologies of the NULK, especially their operation, support of special computer applications and computer networks, including service and purchase of new devices and equipment.
Mgr. Věra Chalupová – photo archives
Phone: +420 518 306 633, Cell phone +420 724 986 057
Email: vera.chalupova(at sign)
Mgr. Michal Škopík – archives, audio collection
Phone: +420 518 306 635
Email: michal.skopik(at sign)
Mgr. Jiří Höhn – video collection, musicology
Phone: +420 518 306 633
Email: jiri.hohn(at sign)
David Rájecký – administrator of information and communication technologies
Phone: +420 518 306 634
Email: david.rajecky(at sign)
Anna Grombířová – specialized library, documentation
Phone: +420 518 306 637
Email: anna.grombirova(at sign)
Secretariat, mail service, internal audit, human resources, security guard, gateroom, maintenance and cleaning in the chateau, labour safety, fire protection, transport.
Marie Čadílková
Phone: +420 518 306 600, Cell phone +420 728 570 449
Email: marie.cadilkova(at sign)
Milena Váchová – internal auditor
Email: milena.vachova(at sign)
Rostislav Můčka – labour safety, fire protection, driver, operation of the chateau building
Phone: +420 518 306 614
Email: rostislav.mucka(at sign)
Irena Příkazká – cleaning lady
Radka Bačíková – cleaning lady
Josef Brožovič – doorkeeper
Bohuslav Hořák – doorkeeper
Josef Kočiš – doorkeeper
Jan Vajčner – doorkeeper
Ludmila Krausová – doorkeeper, cashier
Lenka Kundratová – doorkeeper, cashier
Jana Sasínová – doorkeeper, cashier
Economy Department
All activities pertaining to institution´s financing. The economy department ensures the system of organization´s funding by means of financial budget and out-of-budget resources; it works out closing financial statements, it sets up the plan of budget, equity and tax matters, analyses of economy, statistics, sale of products and tickets. It includes a principal bookkeeper, a financial and a payroll accountant, and a cashier.
Ing. Alena Zezulová
Phone: +420 518 306 620, Cell phone +420 721 008 252
Email: alena.zezulova(at sign)
Jana Štípská – accountant, invoicing, records of equity
Phone:+420 518 306 622
Email: jana.stipska(at sign)
Jarmila Můčková – accountant
Phone:+420 518 306 623
Email: jarmila.muckova(at sign)
Institute´s Area Administration
Investments, preparation and implementation of large investments events, professional supervision of the construction of new buildings, rehabilitation of listed buildings, and building maintenance of existing area. Public tenders. All-year-round maintenance of buildings and areas of the National Institute of Folk Culture (listed park area and the Open-Air Museum of Rural Architecture of South-East Moravia - 45 hectares of verdure, 100 buildings) by own staff and suppliers. Technical support to cultural and educational performances including the International Folklore Festival.
Ing. Romana Okániková
Phone: +420 518 306 640, Cell phone +420 723 728 367
Email: romana.okanikova(at sign)
Josef Vajčner
Phone: +420 518 306 655, Cell phone 725 060 511
Email: josef.vajcner(at sign)
Tomáš Křižan – technician, cell phone +420 723 728 386
Luděk Baňař – bricklayer, maintenance man
Petr Stanislav – gardener, maintenance man
Pavel Tomšej – gardener, maintenance man
Radek Andrýsek – carpenter, maintenance man
Jan Zezula –tractor driver, maintenance man
František Čech – tractor driver, maintenance man
Luboš Chmela – operating electrician, maintenance man
Jiří Můčka – plumber, maintenance man