The park is freely accessible to the public.

Count František Antonín Magnis (1777 - 1848) was a lover of arts and sciences, and it is to him that we owe the current appearance of the castle park with its system of waterworks, especially in the part called Bludník. The plane tree alley, consisting of 52 trees, which is the largest collection of plane trees in the Czech Republic, is definitely worth a visit. It was planted in the mid-19th century along the carriage road originally leading to the castle in Hodonín. The largest plane tree has a circumference of 480 cm and is about 200 years old. However, the mightiest tree in the castle park is a protected black locust with a trunk circumference of 590 cm, estimated to be over 200 years old.
The Strážnice park can be divided into three basic parts. The area surrounding the castle building with the so-called Purkrábka, the Black Gate, the entrance area, and the castle amphitheater is the main part and historically and semantically the most important. It is adjoined by former administrative buildings, a significant plane tree alley, and some valuable tree species. It ends at the so-called Baťa Canal and is connected by a bridge to other parts. Around Špaček's pond lies the part that formerly comprised the so-called English garden. It is characterized by remnants of interesting tree species and a brick bridge with arched sluices connecting the pond with another water surface. The Ostrůvek amphitheater and summer cinema are located here. This part is immediately adjacent to the gardening area, which, especially in the earlier developmental stages of the garden and park, was an important part of the whole, and where the cultivation of the most emphatic horticultural cultures and crops was concentrated. The most extensive and historically youngest part of the park is the area called Bludník. It is typified by a round pond with an islet, remnants of the rarest tree plantings, relatively large meadow areas, opening views into park growths and into the open countryside. This part is separated from the English garden by the Castle Alley, which has always formed the main park axis, extending far beyond its borders. In this part stands the Alley of Sighs, near which the Chapel of the Virgin Mary is situated. There is also the Bludník amphitheater.